Thursday, October 19, 2017

With All Due Respect...

"He knew what he signed up for."  --45; October 2017

So we're 10 months into this debacle; just when you think the leader of the free world (and it pains me to say that) cannot do any worse, he hits it straight out of the ballpark.  I cannot even let it upset me anymore or get me stressed out because I would have had a fatal heart attack 3 months ago.

So to those who voted for him, with all due respect...what were you thinking?  Don't give me the half baked "But Hillary...", "But her emails...", "We needed a change...", "The news industry is against him..."  I don't want to hear it.  This isn't about what the other options were, or what President Obama did before him, or whatever nonsense he is currently ranting about.

This is about the piss poor example of a human being elected to be leader of the free world.

This is about white supremacists being called "fine people".

This is about bitching about aiding the people of a US Territory after a hurricane.

This is about veiled threats to a psychotic leader of a country polishing its nuclear capabilities.

This is about a war on women's rights.

This is about prioritizing standing for the national anthem above other UGELY more important issues.

This is about not even having the decency to call the widow of a member of our military to offer kind words of condolence without a careless jab.

This is about the fact that he lies so often that if he said the sky was blue, chances are real good I would look out my window to check.

This is about giving credence to the alt right.  Oh, hell no.

This is about tweeting like a baby man.

This is about the fact that all he does is criticize but god forbid he take any criticism; even when his performance is poor.

It would be so much different if he could admit he has faults (maybe not all of them because no one has time for that list).  He could say, he has difficulty with empathy.  I can respect that.

I can respect a need for change.  I cannot respect that day in and day out it has been like a reality TV show.  THIS IS REAL LIFE NOT REALITY TV.

Let's be honest, reality TV is TV in its most vapid form and yet a reality TV "star" was elected president of this country.

With all due respect, if you voted for him, you don't deserve respect; and neither does he.

Respect is earned.  Has 45 accomplished anything since January?

There was the AWESOME replacement for the Affordable Care Act...oh, wait, that's right, health insurance is hard.
There was the simplified tax code...oh wait, he really only wants to give tax breaks to his rich friends.
But Mexico is paying for the wall...oh, wait, American taxpayers are going to pay for that; same as we're paying for secret service detail to watch 45 golf more than he governs.

He cannot even hire staff to make him look less stupid, childish, deranged, delusional (pick an adjective) than he does on a daily basis.

With all due respect, he doesn't care about the poor, the middle class, the disabled, the women, the homosexuals, black people, brown people; not even those in the groups mentioned above that VOTED FOR HIM.

With all due respect, those of you who voted for him are being played daily hourly.  Wake up and smell the coffee.

Yes, I know, I should respect the president and I will again someday...when the respect is due.

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