Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Just for the Record

Just for the record, the obnoxious teenagers from Covington, KY would still be obnoxious if they weren’t wearing MAGA caps.

I am grateful that  the idiotic things I did as a teenager were not captured on cell phone video to spend eternity out on the internet.

I find it remarkable that people are defending them.  I went to Catholic school from grade school all  the way through 2+ years of grad school.  I can tell you honestly that no adult affiliated with the grade schools and the high school I attended would have tolerated the behavior I saw on a 5 minute video that took place BEFORE the gentleman playing the drum arrived on the scene.

So yes, there are multiple sides to every story.

Just for the record, you probably shouldn’t be getting your stories from Breitbart or Fox News or other sources known to spew bullshit.

People have wasted a lot of energy on this story over the last few days.

Meanwhile we’re on day 32 of the longest government shutdown in US history.  The president has manufactured a “state of emergency” and he along with congress are holding government workers hostage.  Is this the “great” he was talking about?  Or was it just another lie?  I know where I would put my money.

Just for the record, a memory appeared on my FB feed today from 2 years ago...I was keeping an open mind and expectations low in the days after the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States.  I am not surprised to say that 45 has sunk even lower that my wildest imagination.  Every day he and his band of misfits do something that just defies logic and reality; rinse and repeat.

Just for the record, this madness won’t last forever.