When I was sick, so many people told me they would pray for me or have a good thought for me. It was humbling for sure. I am Catholic by birth, baptism, etc; non practicing at this time due to some issues I have with the Church. I have not let the mistakes of the Church affect my relationship with God.
Members of a synagogue in Connecticut prayed for me. Members of a mosque in Nevada prayed for me. Friends who don't believe in God held me in their thoughts. People I had never met lifted me up and I believe had a hand in my healing.
Not sure why this came to mind today; two days after two deranged individuals decided to shoot up crowded places full of innocent people. Kind of makes you wonder what is wrong with the world, doesn't it?
What made me so special that people went out of their way to help, offer words of encouragement, prayers, etc?
What makes people so angry and filled with hate that they walk into a Walmart, a theatre, a hotel room, a college lecture hall, a classroom, down the street of an entertainment district and shoot? And before the debate begins, they are not all mentally ill. Some people are just evil.
Since Saturday afternoon, I have had a nagging desire to do something. I am not even sure what. Something needs to change...check that, A LOT of things need to change.
Thoughts and prayers are not enough to fix this.
Being divided over semantics isn't going to fix this
A wall isn't going to fix this, the problem is on the inside like a cancer.
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