When this farce of a presidency is over, there are a few things I NEVER want to hear or read again.
"double down"
"the president tweeted"
"make America great again"
"special advisor to the president"
"Kellyanne Conway"
"failing New York Times"
any combination of "best" "great" "very best" or "greatest" when spoken by the 45th president when referring to himself, his staff or something they have done.
"repeal and replace"
"the Trump administration"
"fake news"
"Fox News"
"the wall", "build the wall", "Mexico is going to pay for the wall"...Pink Floyd's The Wall is OK.
the chart showing how much time has been wasted golfing by the tweeter in chief
photos of Ivanka Trump playing world leader with zero qualifications; she's not even a great fashion designer
photos of Steve Bannon, Michael Cohen, Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stormy Daniels, any of the others of the legion of 45's dalliances
"grab them by the..."
The one thing I will miss when this farce of a presidency is over.
SNL parodies
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