Friday, September 28, 2018

Thats What We’ve Become

So I have a few things on my mind.  I know, shocking, right?

I started this blog as a way to process my cancer battle and the aftermath.  Writing has always been a hobby of mine, a release if you will.  A stress reliever.  This week has been particularly stressful.

To the best of my knowledge I am cancer oncologist will send me a postcard soon to remind me that I need to stop in, and give some blood to confirm that.

That’s not what I want to talk about though.

I always try to work through things with a certain amount of grace and humor.  I am not a perfect person...I have been known to fail in the grace department and rely on humor.  This week...the humor went out the window for a while as well.
People in America have lost their damn minds.

I have had many people argue with me this week about Brett Kavanaugh.  I can see differences of opinions about this absolutely.  I think I have been clear about how I feel about the situation.  The constant conversation about his confirmation hearing, Dr Ford’s testimony, and when a sexual abuse victim should speak up about it has triggered some rather unpleasant memories for me and I am sure millions of others.

Innocent until proven guilty...
The democrats should have...
A conspiracy
A smear campaign
Anyone is capable of lying and when pressed further, someone said their daughter was capable of lying when I asked them if their reaction would change if the accuser was their daughter.

Not one person arguing with me spoke to Judge Kavanaugh’s record; why he would make an exceptional Supreme Court Justice. They were too busy telling me how and why I was wrong.

That’s what we’ve become.

Someone even went so far as to say that he hoped Judge Kavanaugh would remember how the Democrats treated him during the confirmation process or some such nonsense.  I am paraphrasing it mostly because I was so incredulous reading it that I didn’t screen shot it so I could quote it.

That’s what we’ve become.

So here’s the thing...we need to table the innocent until proven guilty until we are discussing a criminal complaint.  We’re not there yet and we may never get there.

Senator Feinstein was keeping Dr Ford’s confidence...right or wrong, that is what she said she was doing.  I don’t have reason to think she is lying any more or any less than anybody else on that committee.

Conspiracy and smear campaign...sorry, not buying it and have seen ZERO evidence of it.

Here is what I do know...Dr Ford has had to leave her job and her home for this, she has received death threats.  She recounted an incredibly painful occurrence in her life in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and however many people that watched the coverage.  She appeared composed and credible.  Judge Kavanaugh came of as petulant and unhinged; some sort of victim of a conspiracy.

 For the record...I only saw news clips, I couldn’t bear to listen to it live.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be non partisan.  Our political leaders are so caught up in the power of their positions that EVERYTHING has become partisan.  They’re not serving their constituents, they’re working on their campaign for the next election.  They are bought and paid for by special interest groups.  It’s disgusting.

That’s what we’ve become.

It’s too soon to tell what the future holds....something has to give though.

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