So I have a few things on my mind. I know, shocking, right?
I started this blog as a way to process my cancer battle and the aftermath. Writing has always been a hobby of mine, a release if you will. A stress reliever. This week has been particularly stressful.
To the best of my knowledge I am cancer oncologist will send me a postcard soon to remind me that I need to stop in, and give some blood to confirm that.
That’s not what I want to talk about though.
I always try to work through things with a certain amount of grace and humor. I am not a perfect person...I have been known to fail in the grace department and rely on humor. This week...the humor went out the window for a while as well.
People in America have lost their damn minds.
I have had many people argue with me this week about Brett Kavanaugh. I can see differences of opinions about this absolutely. I think I have been clear about how I feel about the situation. The constant conversation about his confirmation hearing, Dr Ford’s testimony, and when a sexual abuse victim should speak up about it has triggered some rather unpleasant memories for me and I am sure millions of others.
Innocent until proven guilty...
The democrats should have...
A conspiracy
A smear campaign
Anyone is capable of lying and when pressed further, someone said their daughter was capable of lying when I asked them if their reaction would change if the accuser was their daughter.
Not one person arguing with me spoke to Judge Kavanaugh’s record; why he would make an exceptional Supreme Court Justice. They were too busy telling me how and why I was wrong.
That’s what we’ve become.
Someone even went so far as to say that he hoped Judge Kavanaugh would remember how the Democrats treated him during the confirmation process or some such nonsense. I am paraphrasing it mostly because I was so incredulous reading it that I didn’t screen shot it so I could quote it.
That’s what we’ve become.
So here’s the thing...we need to table the innocent until proven guilty until we are discussing a criminal complaint. We’re not there yet and we may never get there.
Senator Feinstein was keeping Dr Ford’s confidence...right or wrong, that is what she said she was doing. I don’t have reason to think she is lying any more or any less than anybody else on that committee.
Conspiracy and smear campaign...sorry, not buying it and have seen ZERO evidence of it.
Here is what I do know...Dr Ford has had to leave her job and her home for this, she has received death threats. She recounted an incredibly painful occurrence in her life in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and however many people that watched the coverage. She appeared composed and credible. Judge Kavanaugh came of as petulant and unhinged; some sort of victim of a conspiracy.
For the record...I only saw news clips, I couldn’t bear to listen to it live.
The Supreme Court is supposed to be non partisan. Our political leaders are so caught up in the power of their positions that EVERYTHING has become partisan. They’re not serving their constituents, they’re working on their campaign for the next election. They are bought and paid for by special interest groups. It’s disgusting.
That’s what we’ve become.
It’s too soon to tell what the future holds....something has to give though.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
The Right Thing to Do
Brett Kavanaugh should withdrawn his name for the Supreme Court. PERIOD
This isn't about party. It isn't about 45. It's about doing what is right. I realize that is a foreign concept in this country these days; especially at the highest levels of government.
The hypocrisy of members of the Senate is laughable. Let's not consider the nomination of Merrick Garland because a year from now Barack Obama won't be president anymore but let's rush through Brett Kavanaugh well, because he's a smart guy to paraphrase the guy who nominated him.
Seriously--is this what we've become? Different political parties so HELL BENT on being in power that they resort to this BULLSHIT.
I know, I know, why didn't she come forward sooner??? That's really not for me (or anyone else) to comment on.
Have you ever been sexually assaulted? Did you report it? Were you believed? Did you feel judged? Did you carry it with you every day after? Did it affect relationships?
Brett Kavanaugh categorically denies Christine Blasey Ford's accusations. From what I have heard and read, perhaps it's because he doesn't remember. Apparently there was a lot of teenage drinking and partying at prep school back in the day. REGARDLESS of what he remembers, his accuser remembers and really that is all that matters.
Yes, I drank when I was a teenager, yes, I did things I shouldn't. My reputation isn't on display. I am not nominated for the Supreme Court. Sorry if you have skeletons in your closet, you should not be a candidate for the Supreme Court.
We'll see what happens on Monday and in the days to follow. I have an idea and I hope I am wrong.
I hope Brett Kavanaugh does what is right. He has two daughters. I'd be interested to hear his thoughts on how he would feel if a drunk prep school student pinned one of his daughters down and groped her. My guess is, he'd be pretty angry.
We as a country need to do some serious soul searching if our elected officials think it's OK to rush this nomination through. Yes, the FBI should investigate this and no, they shouldn't have to wait for 45 to give the order. No one is above reproach. NO ONE.
No one with a daughter (or a conscience) should be for the confirmation of this man.
And to the evangelical leaders that are urging the GOP to push this nomination through...take a step back. We hear so much about your religious rights, blah blah blah. Think about what you would do if Christine Blasey Ford was your daughter. You don't get to push your religious beliefs on the rest of the world while you do whatever you please in your own life. You don't get to thump your bible in one hand and oppress non religious people with the other. You don't get to pick and choose when something is right or wrong for your own benefits. That's not how it works.
Everyone eligible needs to vote, this November and for every election going forward. If you don't like what your elected officials are doing CHANGE THEM. They are not entitled to the job they hold.
WE THE PEOPLE vote them in AND out.
Members of the Senate and House of better figure out what side of history you want to land on. I wouldn't want to stand with the guy in the white house...he stinks, as do most of those he has hired and surrounded himself with. Don't be complicit.
This isn't about party. It isn't about 45. It's about doing what is right. I realize that is a foreign concept in this country these days; especially at the highest levels of government.
The hypocrisy of members of the Senate is laughable. Let's not consider the nomination of Merrick Garland because a year from now Barack Obama won't be president anymore but let's rush through Brett Kavanaugh well, because he's a smart guy to paraphrase the guy who nominated him.
Seriously--is this what we've become? Different political parties so HELL BENT on being in power that they resort to this BULLSHIT.
I know, I know, why didn't she come forward sooner??? That's really not for me (or anyone else) to comment on.
Have you ever been sexually assaulted? Did you report it? Were you believed? Did you feel judged? Did you carry it with you every day after? Did it affect relationships?
Brett Kavanaugh categorically denies Christine Blasey Ford's accusations. From what I have heard and read, perhaps it's because he doesn't remember. Apparently there was a lot of teenage drinking and partying at prep school back in the day. REGARDLESS of what he remembers, his accuser remembers and really that is all that matters.
Yes, I drank when I was a teenager, yes, I did things I shouldn't. My reputation isn't on display. I am not nominated for the Supreme Court. Sorry if you have skeletons in your closet, you should not be a candidate for the Supreme Court.
We'll see what happens on Monday and in the days to follow. I have an idea and I hope I am wrong.
I hope Brett Kavanaugh does what is right. He has two daughters. I'd be interested to hear his thoughts on how he would feel if a drunk prep school student pinned one of his daughters down and groped her. My guess is, he'd be pretty angry.
We as a country need to do some serious soul searching if our elected officials think it's OK to rush this nomination through. Yes, the FBI should investigate this and no, they shouldn't have to wait for 45 to give the order. No one is above reproach. NO ONE.
No one with a daughter (or a conscience) should be for the confirmation of this man.
And to the evangelical leaders that are urging the GOP to push this nomination through...take a step back. We hear so much about your religious rights, blah blah blah. Think about what you would do if Christine Blasey Ford was your daughter. You don't get to push your religious beliefs on the rest of the world while you do whatever you please in your own life. You don't get to thump your bible in one hand and oppress non religious people with the other. You don't get to pick and choose when something is right or wrong for your own benefits. That's not how it works.
Everyone eligible needs to vote, this November and for every election going forward. If you don't like what your elected officials are doing CHANGE THEM. They are not entitled to the job they hold.
WE THE PEOPLE vote them in AND out.
Members of the Senate and House of better figure out what side of history you want to land on. I wouldn't want to stand with the guy in the white house...he stinks, as do most of those he has hired and surrounded himself with. Don't be complicit.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
It doesn’t affect MY life...
Families separated at the border
Basic healthcare is a luxury for some
Mass shootings
I could go on and on.
Some people’s response to the above doesn’t affect MY life.
Oh, but it does.
I cannot begin to describe how disappointed I am in some people. Too many people think that because it isn’t happening to them personally, that they don’t need to be involved. That is how we got a reality “star” elected president. Well that and the archaic electoral college, but that is another blog post entirely.
This isn’t a blog post about political leanings or parties. It’s about right and wrong.
You know, I used to think LeBron James was a pompous ass. Everyone remembers the big prime time announcement on ESPN when he decided to sign with Miami. fans do. The city of Cleveland was quicker to forgive him than I was. Now he is giving back. He can afford to send his kids to the finest schools...poor school systems don’t affect his life. That doesn’t stop him from trying to make a change. People also have criticized him for speaking out against the current administration. I struggle with this. Should he just play basketball? Or should he be an example for kids that are watching. Of course he should do both. I think some of those criticisms come from people who are pissed that a black man would speak out that way. LeBron James’ view is no more or less important than anyone else’s. I give him credit for speaking up.
Those who criticize don’t get to dictate what he stands for, or what his truth is. Your opinion of it, tells the story of who YOU are.
If you have your panties in a twist about Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the anthem, let me ask you...would you be so irate if Tom Brady had been the first to kneel? Maybe Tom isn’t the best example because his GOAT status would give him a pass on some things. How about Blake Bortles?
I am sure the first time Colin Kaepernick knelt, he had no idea the firestorm he was unleashing. He was, however clear in the statement he was making; what he was speaking out against. Maybe he was affected by racism directly, maybe not. He was after he knelt. You can agree with him or not, however if you’re boycotting the NFL or Nike; that tells a story about YOU. I can also assure you that the NFL and Nike don’t care and neither are going away.
If you’re reading this and you don’t know me, I am white. I live a suburban middle class life. Racism is alive and well in America; hell, it’s encouraged by the current leader of the free world. I have seen racism negatively affect people I care about. I have also seen people I care about spout dispicable things about other races. They have said Colin Kaepernick has no right...
NO, in this country, he has EVERY right.
So last night...45 was blathering on about how the New York Times (it’s not failing, by the way) should “out” the anonymous op-ed author “for national security”. When I stopped laughing, I realized how desperate he sounds. This putz got elected because too many people thought Hillary’s emails were somehow worse than, sexual assault against women, a complete lack of any ethics or morals, Russian interference in the much time do you have? Now some of you are thinking...well, that didn’t have an affect on MY life.
Oh, but it does.
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