Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Just an A**hole

For the last year and half or so I have noticed a change in people.

There are some people who go out of their way to be kind to the people around them.  I'll get to them another time.

The ones I want to talk about today are the ones who ride past a bus stop on a rainy morning in the curb lane, showering the already wet commuters.

The ones who think they are so important they need to cut around the lines of traffic waiting to pass an intersection with a malfunctioning signal and then cut off those who have waited patiently (or at least it looked like they were patient). 

The ones who think it's OK to taunt an African America hockey player as he sits in the penalty box at the United Center (stay classy Chicago).

The ones who applaud an accused cop killer.

The ones who take 2 weeks worth of groceries for a family of 5 through the 15 items or less line.

The ones who think their right to bear arms trumps the right of a child to feel safe in a classroom.

The ones who park in a handicapped spot without the appropriate placard or plate.

The ones who bitch about parking restrictions set to allow for snow removal.

The ones who think rules are made simply to inconvenience them.

The ones who brag about their rights but have no problem infringing on the rights of others.

The ones who think it's OK to text a woman (or a man), over and over looking for a date (or whatever) even after being told, the object of their advances isn't interested.

The ones who slant the news in such a way that it's not even real anymore.

The ones who take responsibility for nothing and are constantly looking for someone to blame.

The ones who have a problem with another person because of who they love or the color of their skin or the faith they follow, or the fact that they are poor, or mentally ill.

The ones who like to hide their horrible behavior behind the guise of their faith.

The ones who like to bend every situation to fit their needs at the time.

I am sure you can add your own.

I feel as if there is a whole group of people that think their poor behavior is acceptable these days when they couldn't be further from the truth.

Listen up...the world owes you NOTHING.  You're not cool or clever.  You're not more important than ANYONE else.  In fact, you're just an asshole.

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