Monday, October 2, 2017


It started for me with the E2 nightclub stampede back in February of 2003 when 21 young people were crushed death after someone shot pepper spray off in the club.  I wasn't there but was shocked at how many people were killed when panic ensued.

A couple of weeks later my sister and I went to a Bon Jovi concert.  In our seats before the show started we furtively sought out the exits and planned in our heads how we would exit the venue quickly and safely in case of an emergency. 

In the 14 years that have followed, whenever I have been in a crowd, I have played out in my head how I would escape if it became necessary.  It never occurred to me that I would ever have to put those thoughts to use.

I am sure the people at the country music festival last night in Las Vegas didn't think of it as they ran for cover from automatic weapon fire raining down on them from 30+ stories above.  I seriously have chills typing those words.

I sat in an arena a little over a month ago to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.  Made my mental note of the exits and remembered where Chris had parked the car. 

I've been to NASCAR races with 100,000 (or more) of my closest friends (for the day).  Remembering the away from gunfire, toward an explosion.  My instinct thinks I should run away from the explosion.  WHY DO I NEED TO DEBATE THIS IN MY HEAD???? 

What would you do? 

We could debate gun control in the US.  However, I know the definition of insanity.

For those who think that restricting weapons of war from the average citizen is an infringement of their rights, please tell me, what will it take for you to think rationally about this?  Will it take getting a phone call that it's your child at a concert, a movie, IN SCHOOL?  Please tell me.  Your rights don't mean anything if you're dead in a pool of your own blood.

Does anyone else find it ironic that a lot of gun rights supporters also consider themselves "pro-life".  You cannot truly be both. 

To paraphrase a friend, if you want a gun to hunt, for protection in your home, for your collection; by all means have a gun.  But we as citizens of this country need to protect ourselves and others from lunatics who can buy weapons of mass destruction as easily as they can buy groceries.

Congress needs to stop kowtowing to the gun lobby. 

We also need to take a good hard look at mental healthcare in this country.

It's not about gun control today, though.

It's about the victims

Those killed
Those wounded
Those who will have nightmares for years to come
Those who were there and who will never attend another concert because of fear

It's about the first responders
It's about those who gave blood
Those who gave comfort

Hold your loved ones close today.  Be thankful you're alive and well.  Comfort those you know that aren't as lucky.  Be kind, be aware, be smart.


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