I think I have been clear about my thoughts on the current president.
Today will be no different.
There is a group of people who voted for him because of his "straight talk"; his ability to "tell it like it is."
The unfortunate thing is that most of those people couldn't take a dose of straight talk if it hit them in the face because straight talk hurts.
The pathetic white supremacists marching with their tiki torches this past weekend are one of the saddest form of human being that exists. They think they have a voice in our president and due to the fact that he didn't call them out as the scum that they are SPEAKS VOLUMES.
We the people...will not allow racism and bigotry flourish in this country. So go ahead and assemble and hide behind your masks, you cowards. We the people will face you head on...people of every color, creed, gender, sexual orientation.
The president had the opportunity to make a statement Saturday...and he failed, yet again. He raged when President Obama refused to call out radical Islamic terrorism. What happened Friday night and Saturday was domestic terrorism. Call it what it is...are you afraid of offending a large part of your base?
A YOUNG WHITE MALE plowed his car into a crowd of people who disagreed with him. I am sure he thought he was being a patriot. He's a fool, a criminal, a terrorist.
The president's silence and skirting of the issue makes him complicit. Having his staff once again attempt to explain what he meant. Hmmm, I thought he was known for telling it like it is.
There is a group of people who voted for 45 because he wasn't a politician, because things would be "different" under him. This "different" isn't better and it sure as hell isn't great.
There have been plenty of things posted on FB and other social media outlets regarding what happened this past weekend. One of the posts noted, "You cannot be a nazi and a proud American."
I know what side I am on.
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