Friday, April 1, 2016

Feeling a Little Anxiety

Or is it angst?  Who knows.

I have an oncologist follow up appointment next week and have yet to get the call for the PET scan.  I HATE having to rely on other people.  I should be able to make this appointment and get it out of the way.

But, I have to wait for Dr. K. to file the order for the test...
And, I have to wait for Cigna to approve the test...
And, I have to wait for the registrar of the radiation department at the hospital to call me...

On the day of the test I will wait for my fancy paper bracelet...
I will wait to be called...
I will wait for the tech to coax a vein out of my arm...
I will wait for an HOUR while the radioactive sugar floats around in my body...
I will wait in the tube for all of the pictures to be taken...

(Techs get a little concerned when there is suddenly a foreign object appearing on their screen.)

So if I have been irritable...uptight and restless, it's the anxiety of not knowing, even though I know.  Or it might be angst.

I want the test proving that I am a 1 year survivor.  C'mon, I cannot be the only Type A person needing this test.

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