Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Maybe you're not as Pro Life as you think...

So before I go off on a rant for a Wednesday, I want to start by saying I consider myself to be pro sense that I am NOT pro abortion.  However, more importantly, I am PRO CHOICE because quite frankly what another woman (any woman) does with her body is NONE OF MY BUSINESS and it's NONE OF YOURS.

Does that make me less of a Christian than someone who wants to defund Planned Parenthood or who votes under the cover of darkness to take women's rights away?  On the contrary.  A lot of these so called "Christians" have no plans to take care of the fetuses they are saving when they become actual impoverished children; especially if they aren't white.  A lot of them also balk when there is talk of gun control after another school shooting.

So here's what I're not truly pro-life, if you're only concerned about life at conception.  It's kind of like adopting a dog or cat; it's a lifetime commitment.  You're not truly pro-life if you're not concerned about the children living in poverty in your own town, or the children living in a  migrant detention camp; with our without their parents.You're not truly pro-life if you are more concerned about your guns than you are about a child gunned down in their classroom.  You don't get to be a pick and choose Christian; you're either all in or you're not.  I am not asking pro-life "Christians" to stop believing what they believe; just be cognizant and accepting of the people in the world that don't think like you do.

Your god is.