So I was walking outside on a lovely spring afternoon recently. For those that don't know, I live in the shadow of the second largest (at least I think it's still second) airport. I have always been fascinated by aviation. It astounds me that something as heavy as a fully loaded airplane soars like a beautiful shiny bird.
When I was a kid, I could tell you what kind of plane was flying overhead and knew the logos of many many airlines.
I have seen Air Force One arrive and depart O'Hare on multiple occasions...with several different Presidents on board and it always made me stand a little taller and be a little prouder to be an American; regardless of who was President. It literally had nothing to do with whether or not I agreed with the political leanings of the person on the plane.
It was because of what the office of the President stood for.
I can honestly say, I would not feel the same way if I saw Air Force One during the current presidency and again it has very little to do with the political leanings of POTUS45.
You see, I don't identify as Democrat or Republican. I find some current members of both parties to be repugnant and others I like just fine. I think some that have been around forever should probably retire and I think some who are brand new should maybe learn the ropes a little bit and not rely on their "rockstar" status.
POTUS45 is...well, let me state it in a word he will understand...a disgrace.
A disgrace as a human, a husband, a businessman, a father, a president, how much time do you have? He's not a good example of any of those things. He is currently profiting on the backs of the people he is sworn to serve as he trots off to golf just about every other week. He lies; remember he swore he wasn't going to vacation as much as the previous President...I call BULLSHIT. He lies about stupid things that can easily be proven to be lies. I am fairly certain he thinks his followers are stupid. They’d have to be to believe what comes out of his mouth.
He has tarnished the office of the president; he is a laughingstock worldwide. He doesn't speak in coherent sentences; let me repeat that, the man who possesses the nuclear codes CANNOT SPEAK IN A COMPLETE COHERENT SENTENCE.
People that I consider to be sane and logical turn a blind eye while this pathetic excuse for a commander in chief fumbles his way through life...regularly attempting obstruction of justice, hiring his daughter whose company was sued repeatedly for knocking off patented products with her “company” as a “senior advisor”. The White House is a freaking circus. POTUS45 tweets petty insults, shirks responsibility, and acts like a 12 year old (my sincerest apologies to the 12 year olds I have insulted). Then he blames mainstream media. Grow thicker skin old man. Mainstream media roasted Barack Obama for wearing a brown suit. You’re going to get roasted and ridiculed and mocked for your daily antics.
I tried having an open mind...I didn’t want the pilot to crash the plane. POTUS45 has been far worse than I feared
So, no, I won’t stand a little taller if I see Air Force One in the next 21 months...the office of the president is currently a sham and not deserving of respect.