Thursday, June 28, 2018

Dear Mr President

I was driving home from work yesterday and this song randomly popped up in my playlist.

Take a listen.

This song wasn’t written about the current occupant of the White House.  Parts of it could have been.

Dear Mr President,

How do you sleep when you fill the twitterverse with lies and nonsense.
How do you sleep when families are separated at our borders and children are kept in cages?
How did this country become so small and narrow minded.

Dear Mr President,

We’re watching and a lot of us are disgusted.
We’re marching.
We’re voting.
I hope you experience first hand some of the divisiveness you have encouraged.

I hope you never find what you crave.

Wanna know why the 44th President was so appealing to us?  It’s because he would have taken a walk with any of us.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Not So Different

So I read an article online the other was posted by someone who identifies as a conservative.  It was basically bashing liberals; I know, there's a shock.

We're really not that different you know.  Especially those of us that are open minded thinkers and only lean in one direction or the other.

So no, the article wasn't clever.  It wouldn't have been clever if it had been posted by a liberal bashing conservatives.

So here is what I think.

Re: Guns...I think there should be more laws or maybe more enforcement of existing laws.  If you are a law abiding gun owner, I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU.  Please go about your business.  However, if your troubled teen shoots up his school one day with your gun(s), someone should come for you.  If you are a gun toting right winger that thinks you have the right to have a AR-47 because the Constitution allows it, re-read the Constitution, it does not provide for automatic weapons.  You may also qualify for the mental health exam that should accompany any future purchase of a firearm.  The gun lobby shouldn't own an entire political party.

Re: Abortions...NO ONE without a uterus should be making laws about what a woman can and cannot do with hers.  PS--this doesn't make me pro-abortion.  NO ONE IS PRO ABORTION.  Sometimes there is no opposite term.  An abortion should be between a Dr and their patient ONLY.  I am sorry right to lifers, just as you don't want to have to participate in activities related to abortion or planned parenthood because of your religious beliefs, there is a whole segment of the population that does not identify with a religion.  You are each entitled to your thought process; but you are not entitled to push your beliefs onto others.

Re: Healthcare...everyone should have access to AFFORDABLE healthcare.  I am not suggesting handouts but I am suggesting that a good long hard look be taken at the healthcare industry AND the insurance industry.  Executives are getting rich beyond measure on the backs of America's poor.  You shouldn't have to choose between groceries and meds if you are not lucky enough to make over $50K annually.  You also shouldn't have to pay thousands out of pocket for routine treatments.  Congress should have the same health  insurance as those they serve.

Re: Term limits---ABSOFRICKINLUTELY  No one should be a career politician.  2-4 year terms for President, 2-6 year terms in the Senate, 3-2 year terms in the House at the maximum.  States should follow suit.  I also think that everyone currently serving should be removed from office and we should start fresh, I am sick of the whole lot of them but I realize that may be my own personal issue.

Re: Political races and $$$; it should never be the richest person wins because they can choke their constituents with commercials.  No political race should run  more than 3 months; each candidate can make 1 TV commercial and 1 radio commercial and they can each be played once a day.  For the sake of the environment, no political signs or flyers will be printed.  Political "merchandise" will be considered in poor taste.

Re: Welfare...should require monthly drug screening and job training and it should be allocated in a way that the desired outcome for many is NOT to collect welfare indefinitely.

Re: Death warranted in some cases.

Re: Discrimination; If your religious beliefs are such that you do not want to bake a wedding cake for a same sex couple, that is fine.  Please also realize though that the couple can write a review of your bakery based on your discrimination.  People can also boycott your place of business for that reason as well.

Re: Immigration...I love how people talk about how easy it is to get into this country legally.  If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.  Dreamers should be allowed to stay, if they choose and become citizens.  People who are here illegally and are criminals should be deported.  People who are here illegally should be allowed to defend their reasoning for coming.  Old white men shouldn’t be deciding what qualifies for asylum.  There should be a clear path to citizenship for those wanting to pursue it; not bureaucratic bullshit.  There should also be a place we can send Americans who are crappy citizens....maybe call it Deploraburbia.  It’s just a thought.

Re: News Networks...keep your political beliefs to yourself.  You're supposed to be unbiased.  There are many people in this country that are not smart enough to discern if you are being biased to a political party or not so you need to offer the unvarnished TRUTH as ugly as it might be.  Maybe a watchdog group is needed and news networks that spew party rhetoric should be stripped of their licenses to broadcast; that would apply to both parties of course.  The same could be said about newspapers.

Re: Taxes...the more you make, the more you should owe.

Re: The Truth...if you lie running for office, you don't get to win PERIOD.  If you lie while in office, you are removed immediately PERIOD.  There are no such things as alternative facts, or "what I meant to say was...".  Again, things need to be as clear as possible because not everyone is as smart as they think they are.

Re: Hypocrisy should be punished by public flogging.  Just going to leave that here.

So, as you can see, I don’t fit into the clever cookie cutter definition of conservative or liberal.  Frankly, in this day and age, either term can be considered an insult.  Of course what is worse is on either side as well; the inability to see any view but your own.